Duplicity (Victory Lap Book 2) Read online

Page 4

  “Turn around,” he ordered her.

  She did as he asked while still squatting. It felt awkward to duck-waddle, but he wasn't giving her much choice. The embarrassment only rocketed once she turned and saw he had her face at crotch level.

  May as well say dick-level. That was what she was looking at and what he was acting like at the moment.

  Her gaze climbed up his dark, tall body to see his stormy eyes. He wasn’t wearing his helmet, gripped instead in his other hand. Dressed in riding leathers and a jacket, he looked like a badass motherfucker that she knew better than to mess with on a normal day.

  Today wasn’t normal.

  “Am I going to suck your dick or are you going to let my hair go?” Tess asked.

  “We have a room,” Kade said, not releasing his grip.

  “Christ, Kade, let her get up. What happened to taking things slow?” Keir asked.

  He left his spot by the vending machines to stand next to Kade. Looking down at her, he pulled off his own helmet. It allowed her to see Keir’s eyes better. He appeared amused, per usual, and a little bit worried. His better humour wouldn’t matter, when his brother was looking dark enough for both of them.

  “Slow?” Kade scoffed. “Bastion would have fucked her from behind up against the vending machine so hard that she would have come to the sound of a lot of bottles popping open from the pressure,” Kade said.

  She pictured it: a rocking, slamming hard fuck with Bastion’s visage reflected in the vending machine’s window.

  “Bastion isn’t here,” Tess said.

  Neener. Neener.

  “Oh, Kitten, you should be so lucky after that stunt you pulled.”

  “What?” Tess asked, fighting the urge to look around and reassess the situation.

  Keir waved her phone in front of her face. How nice of him to bring it to her when she left it behind.

  ‘Bossy’ was blazoned across the top of the open call. Bastion’s voice had come out of it, on speaker.

  She swallowed thickly and counted that as a blessing in disguise. The twins were a handful. Bastion—in person—was more than she could handle right now.

  He had proven that on her side table, making her burn up with the hottest finger fuck she’d ever had, moments before her world was put on ice by her father’s cold-blooded entrance and threats.

  “What about War?” she asked. Hopefully, the twins couldn’t see her sweating nervously. “Are you down a Musketeer? Want to wait until you’re all ‘man enough’ to face me?”

  Kade pulled her up, slowly, using his grip on her hair.

  She felt the burn in her thigh muscles as she moved up out of the squat he had made her hold, inching up as he allowed her.

  “Bastion isn’t physically here. War is busy arranging things for us,” Kade said. “You get me. I intend to play the role of disciplinarian you so badly need.”

  “Not me,” Keir cheerfully informed her. “Although, I’m open to you sucking my dick if you’re so inclined.”

  “What is this, funny twin and evil twin?” Tess mocked.

  More like, what the heck had happened to sweet Kade? He went from wanting to give her kisses and asking her permission first to telling her that he’d take Bastion’s place tonight.

  “Good cop, bad cop,” Keir teased. “Don’t you watch any movies?”

  She put her hands on Kade’s shoulders, looking up at his face. He was tall, and right now, he made sure she felt every inch he had on her.

  She stuck out her tongue at him.

  “This isn’t Runaway Bride. You had no reason to come after me. It’s been what, a week? We’re frenemies at best. Go home.”

  Keep on pushing. Even the tone-deaf got the message if you kept repeating it the same way. She was not the nice girl they thought they’d befriended.

  “Does she believe if she keeps mewling the same thing that you’ll leave her to lick her wounds alone?” Bastion’s voice asked over the phone.

  “I thought you had enough of my claws earlier, Bossy? I’m not the defenceless kitty you tried to pet. I showed you what I’m capable of doing. What I did? It was all a fucking ploy. You dumbshits were easy marks, poor little rich boys that nobody loves for themselves. Did I really make you all love me in just a week?”

  Keir flinched. She caught it from the side of her vision, although he hid it well when she turned her head to look at him.

  “Jason told us you were scared. You thought your father’s men were after you when you saw our motorcycles on the road? Or maybe Jensen’s gang?” Kade asked. “Why are they coming after you if you were playing on their side? What are you afraid of?”

  “So, you get how dangerous this all is. Why are you even here?” Tess asked. “I have my shit handled. The last thing I need is you amateurs coming here and messing up my plans, giving me away. Did you even hide your bikes? You’re running from a motorcycle gang. They know every damn bike in the area and now yours will stick out like sore thumbs.”

  “You’re the one that left a message asking us to find you,” Keir said.

  “It was a joke,” Tess muttered.

  “Ha, ha,” Kade said. “I just drove without a license on a Harley for the first time in five months because you left without a word. How did we know your father didn’t plant that message and kidnap you? That you weren’t being tortured for the answers you thought you so cleverly taunted him with, like waving a red flag in front of a bull?”

  “Kade fought me to read your phone. Laid another black eye on me, Kitten, and he broke your little side table when he kicked it,” Bastion said over the phone.

  What the hell? Had they been fighting in her house?

  “I don’t care if you boys want to roughhouse, but keep it out of my place. Break your own expensive shit. That’s what you do, isn’t it? Crash and burn?”

  Kade was the one to flinch this time.

  She forced herself not to react, to stop the reflex to comfort him and take back the hateful, lying accusation.

  “Go home before you get hurt,” Tess said.

  It was one of the most honest things she’d said to them.

  She tried to push Kade away with her hands on his shoulders.

  He didn’t give an inch.

  “Told you she was going to be a hardass,” Bastion said.

  “You didn’t mention her ass, other than to say you wanted to spank it good,” Keir commented.

  That got Keir a glare. He wouldn’t try.

  “You’re going where we are going,” Kade said, ignoring both of them and focusing his stormy gaze on her. “Is home really where you want to be right now? Bastion is waiting.”

  “No,” Tess gritted out.

  She was debating kicking Kade in the ‘nads and making a run for it. Her motel room door wasn’t far. Bastion couldn’t do anything over the phone, though she supposed Keir could always throw the phone at her.

  Kade must have seen something in her eyes.

  “Try and get away,” he said, then crushed her against the vending machine, his lips on hers.

  He swept his tongue into her surprised mouth and then nibbled on her lips, rubbing the lip ring he wore against her hard enough to scrape but not bleed. A tiny little hurt that made her moan. His hips thrust his pelvis against hers and he ground his very hard, aroused bulge on her like he could drill her right through the leathers.

  She broke off the kiss and said his name.

  “Gonna have you screaming my name soon,” Kade promised.

  He finally released her hair, only to wrap his hand possessively around her throat. Not applying much pressure, but owning the sensitive skin and marking it his own with his hot touch surrounding her.

  “You a screamer, or do you beg sweetly, Kitten?”

  Kade said the nickname differently than Bastion but it was still sexy. It was lighter, his tone not quite as deep, the ‘k’ almost softened by his intonation. There was a hint of an accent there, a little drawl.

  It made her curious.

nbsp; “Kiss her again, Kade, before she starts fantasizing the rest of this encounter,” Keir teased.

  “Put the call on video,” Bastion demanded.

  “Don’t you fucking dare!” Tess shouted, whipping her gaze over to Keir.

  “You need it hard to pay attention?” Kade asked, refocusing her.

  He delivered exactly that with his mouth back on hers, rough and demanding. He squeezed her throat, just tight enough to make her every breath felt. The control that he had over her was conveyed with his dominant claim of her neck.

  Kiss her like you mean it.

  His other hand found her hip and yanked her up against him as he fucked her through their clothing, pulling one of her legs up so that she had to wrap it around his hips.

  It opened her core to his hard thrusts, exposing her pussy through her damp panties and the seam of her jeans.

  “Kade, she’s going to cream herself right here,” Keir warned.

  Tess didn’t know how Keir knew but he was right.

  “Give it to her. Don’t let her push you away. She has her safe word,” Bastion counselled.

  Kade pulled off her mouth. He stared at her with his dark eyes. His hips didn’t stop rocking, driving his big, hard arousal up against her as she panted, unable to move an inch with his possessive hold.

  “Fuck you, Bastion,” she ground out. “And fuck you too, Kade.”

  “Not yet,” Kade said with a smirk as he drilled her.

  She screamed Kade’s name, adding a ‘fuck ... yes’ to it and a plea to a couple of deities.

  His hold on her throat only loosened marginally, and he bit his lip, toying with his piercing as he watched her face, examining her expression as she fell apart in his arms.

  He wasn’t calm about it though, those stormy eyes fucking her as he swept them down her body and landed back on her lips.

  “Tell Bastion I didn’t even need to take her panties off,” Kade bragged with satisfaction.

  Tess fisted her hand on his shoulder and whacked him with it.

  “Not a competition,” she insisted.

  Wiggling against him to try to get a little space between her sensitive core and his still rock-hard bulge made things worse. She gasped and he only smirked wider.

  “After the show you put on with Bastion in your front entrance on the table, we’re all eager to compete,” Kade said. “You gonna run or behave yourself when I let you back down? Keir loves to chase.”

  “I also like a back approach. I catch you from behind and you’re asking for me to fuck your tight little ass,” Keir said.

  The guys had mentioned Keir liked anal. Maybe that hadn’t been a joke?

  “I’ve never…” Tess broke off, blushing beet-red. “My boyfriend tried but…” She cut herself off again, stammering that it hurt.

  Well, she had only tried with her college-aged boyfriend because he complained she was a boring high-school girl. It had hurt and she’d pleaded to stop.

  They had a shower and she’d jerked him off instead.

  Bastion muttered something about her boyfriend that was decidedly not complementary. He also said a few things about proper preparation and lube, then added that he knew the perfect butt plug for her.

  “First time we’ve shared a girl,” Keir said, ignoring Bastion’s salacious advice. “Don’t you want to know what it feels like to have you sandwiched between us, Kade in your pussy and me balls deep in your ass? I promise we’ll go slow and make you beg for more.”

  Double penetration? It was so dirty but Tess couldn’t help but wonder, especially after the knock-her-socks-off orgasm Kade had just delivered without removing their clothes.

  But they couldn’t, she shouldn’t, not with everything going on.

  This wasn’t happening.

  “You’re overthinking it,” Kade said. “We’re not leaving you and going away. Your sister and brother know we’re here. Jason texted us back after we sent a few texts and had some failed calls trying to figure out what happened. And we have a room for the rest of the night.”

  “I can’t leave the kids alone and have wild nooky next door,” Tess said, trying for outrage.

  Mostly though, it was a disappointment. She couldn’t get wrapped up in their sexy seduction. This was a serious situation and she had to be the adult.

  She could not desert the kids.

  Kade let her down on her own feet.

  “Is it better if we don’t give you a choice? Do you like Bossy? Want me to show you my dark side?” Kade asked.

  “I thought this was your dark side,” Tess said, looking askance to Keir.

  Keir laughed. “Oh, Pumpkin, he was only getting started. Bastion may have made the mold for dominants, but Kade fits it pretty well, too.”

  That hadn’t been Tess’s impression. Kade was sweet and considerate.

  “Your brother is nice,” Tess retorted.

  This time Bastion laughed. “Yeah, Kade’s a real gentleman with the ladies, if that’s what they want. But he was a bit of an asshole with you just now. Let me tell you, it isn’t because you’re less of a lady, Kitten. You’re under his skin and he’s gotta scratch. This Kade is more real than any boyfriend he played for the girls before you.”

  “How can you guys even touch me after what I said?” Tess asked, suddenly feeling the guilt eat at her.

  She hadn’t been nice. Nothing like Kade had been to her ever since she met him. Mean had been kind of the point of her actions, however, and she’d ground her heel down on the twins something fierce when she used their mom against them.

  “Tell us you lied to protect us,” Kade said. “It’s that simple.”

  She fought back a sob. Oh, that was sexy.

  This was her breaking point. A real reaction. It hadn’t been only Jason that had been holding it all in.

  “Why won’t you just leave me?” she squeezed out of her scratchy throat, looking down.

  “No fucking her, that rule’s not changed, but stop her from bawling her eyes out,” Bastion demanded.

  He was just as bossy over the phone about everything they did as a group as he had been in person.

  Tess twisted and grabbed for the phone that Keir was holding. She showed Bastion the view of her near tearful breakdown. Glaring at his blue-eyed stare through the screen, she handed the phone to Kade.

  “Hold my phone,” she said.

  Kade’s eyebrows shot up but he complied.

  She turned and planted a big wet kiss on Keir’s lips, leaning up on her tiptoes.

  Keir wasn’t surprised for long, adjusting their kiss so he was slanted over her mouth and thrusting inside. It drove out all thoughts of showing Bossy he couldn’t order her who to fuck, and instead, she wondered how close the twins’ room was from the vending machines.

  Kade joined his brother, sandwiching her from behind. He ran his pierced lip over the shell of one of her ears. He blew a hot breath into it, leaving her shivering.

  She pulled her mouth away from Keir’s exploration.

  “Now that was a sweet apology,” Kade said. “What do you think Keir? Feeling generous?”

  “You want the candy twins?” Keir asked her.

  “What the heck are the candy twins?” she asked, ending on a gasp.

  Kade had pushed his hips up hard against her bottom, proving his bulge hadn’t gone down, and introducing her to his brother’s own straining erection in front of her.

  “Same sweetness on the inside, different on the outside,” Keir replied. “Clearly, Kade’s the blue M&M.”

  “This is something you guys play to get girls?”

  “No, it’s the girls that call us ‘candy twins’ in hopes that they can have us both before we melt. You’d be the first to taste us both, though,” Kade said.

  “Don’t melt in your hand?” she joked.

  “Fuck, I’m fine melting in your hand,” Keir said.

  His hands decided to explore the front of her body, currently his half in the sandwich. Fingers searched for her nipples,
thumbs brushing over them once he felt the aroused nubs through her clothes.

  They really needed to bring this to a room. With less clothes, possibly.

  “What’s Bastion say about all this?” she asked, waiting for his bossy opinion.

  “I hung up on him. Decided getting Keir killed wasn’t in the best interests of our sandwich,” Kade said.

  Oh, boy. That was going to cost him.

  “You want to make it up to me for getting Bastion riled up? He’s already steaming because he couldn’t come after you personally. His bitch stepmom ordered him dragged home by her personal guard,” Keir explained.

  She remembered Bastion had punched out someone at a party. He’d mentioned guards, but that was really nuts.

  “She grounded him?” Tess asked.

  “Locked up as tight as Fort Knox at his house. We went back to get his files on you from his private investigator and they nabbed him in the driveway. He said he figured you’d run back to your old neighbourhood and wanted the address where you last lived,” Kade said.

  Bastion had been exactly right. She let slide the private investigator comment for now. That was something she would have to fight over with Bastion later.

  “I’m flattered that you came after me, but honestly, this is a mistake,” Tess said with a sigh. “I’m sorry I said that stuff about your mom, and faking that shit in front of my dad was a low blow, but I had to do it and those reasons haven’t changed. Go join Bastion on lockdown and tell him I gave you the slip.”

  “You still don’t get it, do you?” Kade asked, gripping her hair from behind tightly again.

  He bent down and sucked a hickey onto her neck, pulling on her hair to bring her head back further so more of her skin was bared to his mouth.

  “You’re ours and we aren’t leaving you,” Keir said while his brother sucked. “Remember the vote? It was unanimous. If our father can’t scare you off, then yours won’t get us to give up.”

  Kade pulled away with a loud sucking noise.