Duplicity (Victory Lap Book 2) Read online

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  She whimpered, feeling it go right to her core and leaving her aching. The bruise he made was probably going to be dark and impossible to hide without a scarf.

  He had branded her like she really was theirs and they wanted everyone to know it.

  “The only choice you get to make right now is whether we take you to our room and make you orgasm again and again, or we take you back to your room and we all get some rest before going back to town tomorrow,” Kade said.

  Both twins bent their lips to her neck, telling her they planned on swaying her choice with seduction.

  Will-sucking fiends!

  She could think of worse ways to lose sleep.



  Wash Away the Fear

  The twins could polka-dot her neck with hickeys, but they weren’t going to make her forget the inevitable.

  Running had been the only solution to her situation.

  “We can’t go back home,” Tess protested, wiggling until they both released her neck. “Didn’t you guys read my texts? All of them?”

  Keir gave her one last lick.

  “Yeah, we know you’re in trouble. War’s working on it,” Keir said. “He’ll have the preliminary plan worked out tomorrow. War’s never seen a problem he can’t solve and he loves a good fight.”

  They were all in on it. None of them had believed her lies.

  They’d just believed in her.

  “Okay,” she said, feeling a tiny sliver of hope.

  She wouldn’t allow herself more.

  Just once. She could forget about all of her worries, let the twins tease her body to distract her mind. It was like the title to a quickie Harlequin romance.

  One Night Only.

  “Okay, what?” Keir asked.

  He rocked his hips against her aching pussy, so it turned into a needy throb that made her moan. His message was clear. Keir wouldn’t let her get away with anything less than enthusiastic consent.

  She had to tell them what she wanted.


  “How mad is Bastion going to be if I go to your room?” she asked. The thought of Bastion’s mood cooled her lust a bit. “Can we check on the kids first? How do we make sure they’re gonna be safe? What if my dad comes, or someone finds them, and they’re all alone?” No, nope. “We gotta go back to my room.”

  It was like speaking her train of thoughts out loud as she convinced herself to reverse her choice, blathering it all out.

  Keir sighed.

  “The kids aren’t alone,” Kade admitted.

  “What?” she asked.

  Panic grasped her heart and wouldn’t stop squeezing. Her mind wasn’t doing the thinking. All she could focus on was fear.

  Who else had caught up to them?

  Keir brought his hand up with his index finger and thumb pinched, then flicked her on the forehead. “Stop it now!” he barked out at her.

  “War’s butler followed discreetly behind us in a car,” Keir explained. “Jacobson’s planning on staying with the kids if we don’t rejoin them tonight. He’s going to drive them back as well. The kids will stay at War’s house until we have a better plan. It’s got gates that can be locked and a door that can’t be kicked down.”

  War knew Tess would trust Jacobson. He had already been introduced to her and she knew he had worked for War’s family for many years. Kade had even added in that extra bit about security that made her feel a hell of a lot safer.

  A fortress was what Kade was describing. Better than the townhouse any day.

  Still... the kids didn’t know War well. They’d never met Jacobson.

  “Berry, I’m gonna take a turn with you against the pop machine if you don’t make up your mind soon,” Keir warned, clearly getting impatient.

  She actually turned her head to look at the vending machines, then whipped her gaze back, directing an annoyed look at Trouble.

  “Somebody could see,” she said with a hiss. She probably didn’t need to whisper, but she couldn’t stop herself. “I didn’t know voyeurism was your kink. I thought that was dirty sex.”

  “Dirty sex? What does that mean? And I’m not opposed to a little PDA,” Keir replied.

  He was still holding her up, effortlessly, but the hardness pressing up against her as he rocked his hips again was what had him at his limit.

  Are you happy to see me or is that a banana?

  Tess blushed, shaking her thoughts of that silly image. She leaned over and whispered the answer to Keir’s question in his ear.

  “You like anal.”

  “You think that’s dirty? You’re real lucky Kade wasn't the one that came after you at Daniels, or you might have been introduced to some dirty bathroom-stall sex.”

  “It’s preferably done standing up, not sitting down. Nothing dirty about it, just fast and hard, and I would have left the stall door open,” Kade said.

  Kinky and hot as fuck.

  These two played way outside of her limited experience. It made her want to explore their wild sides. She was so wet that even her jeans must be getting soaked.

  Were soaked.

  “I’m not that kind of girl,” she protested.

  Liar. Liar. Pants on fire.

  It had been mostly vanilla for her. Not in the books she liked to read and fantasize about though, and if the guys ever got a look at her bookshelf...

  “I can be that kind of guy, if you want a trip on the wild side,” Kade said.

  It was like he was reading her mind. She tried clearing her throat. Much better than stammering out a response to that salacious offer.

  “When it’s your turn, Bluebell,” Keir said. “But now, it’s mine, and I want a bed. Doggy style can be hard on the knees.”

  Tess was going to have one twin behind her and the other in front, or maybe Kade could be under her. A sandwich. The basic menage set-up only had so many positions.

  Enough possibilities to still have her thoughts steaming.

  Time to set some limits.

  “We’re not having sex in public or... you know,” she said, lowering her voice to a whisper again.

  Keir chuckled against her head as she lowered it over his chest to avoid eye contact.

  These guys were making her question her own kinks, turned on just talking about the things they wanted to do. Actual sex might make her combust.

  Set you on fire!

  “Get your drink and any snacks you wanted for the kids. We’ll drop them off and you can see that they’re okay. Then you’re ours, Kitten. That okay?” Kade asked.



  She nodded, realizing he was waiting. Kade couldn’t actually read her mind.

  The twins finally gave her a little room to grab drinks and snacks, and then they followed her to the room she’d rented for herself and the kids tonight.

  Jason answered the door. She got a quick glimpse at Jacobson washing the little table with a lot of elbow grease, so the kids could eat. Ashley flashed her a shy smile as she caught sight of the guys behind Tess.

  Jason acted nonchalant when Tess said she was going to talk with the twins in their room. Her jerk brother had totally been in on it. Nobody was fooled when Tess said talking was all that she had planned with Kade and Keir.

  Tess blushed and shut the door on those knowing faces.

  Ugh. Adolescent siblings.

  “Let’s go to your room,” she finally said to the twins, keeping to her half of the bargain. “To talk,” she added, biting her lip on that lie.

  “Oh, we’ll give you plenty to scream about,” Kade promised.

  He backed up, so she could turn around. Gently catching her chin in his hand, he placed a sweet, soft kiss on her lips in contrast to his raunchy promise, then he released her.

  The twins started walking with Tess between them. She wasn’t going to run, not now that they had explained the kids were in on her capture. The kids were safe for tonight, relatively protected, and she didn’t have to be the one standing guard.r />
  It was a relief.

  Enough that she could let herself relax if she didn’t know the twins were about to break Bastion’s order thoroughly.

  No fucking her.


  They stopped outside a door on the end of the motel unit and waited for Kade to use his key to open it.

  Keir slapped her ass.

  She yelped and covered her bottom. It barely stung, but he’d surprised her.

  “I thought you were good cop?” she protested.

  “Nah, there is no good cop,” Keir teased.

  “You have been naughty. All you get is punished until you promise to be good,” Kade told her, opening the door.

  Wait, that wasn’t what she’d agreed to out there. There had been mention of orgasms. There better be delivery.

  “This is tonight only,” she said as she walked into the room.

  They all politely took their shoes and socks off. The twins hung up their jackets and helmets. Wallets, keys, and whatever else they had in their pockets, went on the little side table.

  Tess tapped her toes, waiting.

  No asking for orgasms before everybody gets undressed.

  “Keep telling yourself it’s a one-night stand if it makes you feel better,” Keir said, looking at her standing there, half a foot from the King-sized bed they’d all probably fuck on soon.

  “We’re going to do our best tonight to change your mind,” Keir said.

  He said it like that was their job.

  What had Bastion asked them to do?

  She shivered and stared at the bed. Lots of knee cushioning there. All she could think about right now was her ass, with Keir coming up behind her, and his promise to make it good for her if she let him fuck it.

  That little slap on her bum felt like a warm up.

  “You guys know this is crazy, right?” she asked nervously, trying to turn around to catch Keir’s eyes.

  Keir wrapped his arms around her from behind, locking her in place, so she couldn’t look at him. There was no missing the feel of his arousal.

  “Are you frightened?” Keir asked.

  “It’s all very fast,” Tess admitted, feeling like the worst sort of tease.

  “How about we get off together for tonight, but no fucking?” Keir proposed. “We sleep afterward. You listen to our plan in the morning, before running off with your younger sister and brother in tow, nowhere to hide, child services hunting you down for your father.”

  “That was the original plan,” Kade said. “I wasn’t supposed to fuck you. Bastion made it clear he wanted that pleasure for the first time, when you left him with his dick out.”

  “First, you and I didn’t fuck yet,” Tess said, feeling some of her own fire enflame at the reminder of Bossy’s orders. “And Bastion was the one that started it before.”

  Keir slapped her ass again, one bum cheek, and then the other.

  “Anyone watching the video surveillance of you and my brother humping against the vending machine would call that as close to a fuck as it gets.”

  Kade pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his nipple piercings and a hard, rippled abdomen with ridges of muscle that immediately drew her eyes. He looked so damn lickable. She especially wanted to know if his nipples were sensitive with the rings pierced through them.

  “Are you eyeing up my brother for dessert when you haven’t even finished the main course?” Keir whispered behind her. “Drop your pants and bend over.”

  “What? Why?” Tess asked.

  Should she face her ass the other way? Keir couldn’t be planning to fuck her without a warm up.

  Keir slipped his hands down her front and undid her pants for her. They slid down her hips with a few wiggles and no protests from her.

  “Bastion isn’t the only one that can spank your bum. I’m giving you a dozen for making me ride my motorcycle with a hard dick, thinking about what we were going to do when we caught you.”

  “I thought the original plan wasn’t for fucking?” Tess asked. “And why were you guys riding motorcycles instead of driving your car?”

  Keir backed up. He put his hand on the base of her spine, applying gentle pressure.

  “Dad confiscated the car keys when we went back to the house. He forgot the bikes because we haven’t ridden them for a while. Now, you can say no, but I like a little flexibility in my plans. Show me how you can bend,” he teased.

  Bastion had gotten in trouble with his mom. It sounded like the twins had gotten in trouble with their dad. Tess caused them all a lot of trouble, and yet, they still came after her, didn’t give up on her.

  It was a nice feeling. It garnered more trust than they probably realized, a sense of reliability.

  Letting Keir indulge in the new spanking kink Bastion had shown her was something she could only do because they had shown her she could trust them.

  She bent over, feeling her ass rise dangerously. All her sensation went to her bottom in anticipation. Spanking was not a kink she had ever imagined she would enjoy, but so far, it had made her wetter than expected.

  As long as it was all games, she was willing to play.

  Kade dropped his own pants, the sound of a belt buckle hitting the floor causing Tess to swing her head up. He was wearing dark, skin-tight boxer briefs that clung to his erection like a lover’s hand, outlining the curve of his cock’s head and the long, thick rod he was sporting. All for her.

  Keir slapped her ass, counting out each smack.

  Kade palmed himself through the underwear and watched her getting spanked by his kinky, playful twin.

  “Make her pink,” Kade ordered. “Panties down for the last six. Pull them down yourself, Pumpkin.”

  “Only if you go bare first,” Tess challenged in response to that childish nickname again. She almost bit back the words in embarrassment, but they were already out.

  Kade turned to the side, so she got the profile of his fine ass, while he shucked his last piece of clothing.

  She reached for her own panties at the sides and slowly lowered them to her knees.

  “Fuck, I want to take you so bad,” Keir said, fingers parting her bum cheeks and looking there.

  She blushed furiously and tried to swat him away.

  “Nope, we said no fucking tonight. I’m not having my first anal in a sleazy motel room.”

  He caught her hands that were waving him off and put them together, manacling her wrists. He pressed her captured hands against the base of her back. It pushed her top-half down lower and her bottom temptingly higher.

  “You’ve got a little rosebud of an arse. I fucking love it,” Keir said. “You want me to seduce you on a bed of romantic petals to get in that beautiful ass, I’ll make it happen, and I’ll wait,” he promised.

  Another smack, louder on her bared bum, accompanied his words. That stung more on bare skin.

  “Ow,” she whined, wiggling a little dance under the next smack.

  “Want me to stop, or four more?” Keir asked.

  Bastion wouldn’t have asked. She knew that instinctively. Kade and Keir were more playful, less serious, and willing to give her some of the control.

  “Just four,” she said, feeling the slippery wetness of her response coating her inner thighs.

  He delivered them, pausing a few moments between each one. It let her absorb the sting and relax before he smacked her again. Warmth blossomed over her bottom and spread to her pussy.

  She didn’t even notice Kade had gotten close until he was almost in her face, her attention so focused on the feel of Keir’s spanking.

  When she did notice, she blinked.

  Kade’s cock was pierced: a single barbell that went through the skin, below the head.

  “That’s pretty, a rosy-pink bum,” Kade commented, oblivious to her stare as he nonchalantly stroked himself.

  Pierced dick. She wasn’t even listening to him. What would it feel like inside her? Would the piercing be cold or warm? Did it hit her G-spot if he got the ri
ght angle?

  “She’s staring at your dick,” Keir said with an almost pout.

  She heard Keir’s belt drop onto the floor behind her as he got himself as naked as his brother. He had to be undressing one-handed, because he still had a hand on her back, holding her in place.

  “Is this where I tell you that Keir and I decided to get matching dicks? It’s the only piercing he agreed to get when I did all of mine because he’s a kinky little shit. He even agreed to go first,” Kade said.

  “That is not a sweet piercing. It’s badass and a little scary,” she admitted. “The candy twins is a misnomer.”

  Who had known what they were hiding under their school-boy uniforms?

  “It’s only a frenulum piercing. You might like it. There’s time to taste us first and determine for yourself if we’re sweet,” Kade said, stroking his dick again and purposefully flashing that piercing at her.

  She licked her lips.

  “Lady’s pleasure first,” Keir said, removing his hand from her back.

  She straightened up and rubbed her pinked bottom. Looked over her shoulder at him, then down to check out his dick.

  Yep, matching.

  Keir cupped her chin from behind and brought her face up for a soft kiss. He licked across her lips and pulled back, giving her a wicked smile as he bit his lower lip.

  A moment later, he whipped his shirt over his head, revealing his naked chest.

  She was the only one with any clothes left now.

  “Wish we could fuck you, Pumpkin. When it’s time, we’re going to finger both your ass and pussy until you beg for our dicks. Make you suck us until we’re dripping with cum, so ready to fuck you that it’s sweet torture to push into your tight holes,” Keir promised.

  “You’re going to love our piercings, fuck our dicks like your favourite dildo with all the bells and whistles, for her pleasure,” Kade added.

  She didn’t know which twin had a dirtier mouth. Both of them made her feel hot and impatient.

  “You don’t give me what I want right now, I’ll finger myself,” she declared, upping the stakes.